Docker GUI environment

The client requested me to creat a gui environment where he could manage all the containers and docker hosts in one place.
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Creating a Docker GUI environment

I recently completed a project for a client who needed a graphical user interface (GUI) for their Docker containers. After discussing their requirements and evaluating several options, we decided to use Portainer, an open-source web interface for managing Docker environments.

To set up the GUI, I first ensured that Docker was installed on the client’s server. I then pulled the latest Portainer image from the Docker Hub and created a new container using the command:

docker run -d -p 9000:9000 –name portainer –restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/portainer-ce

This command created a new container called “portainer” and mapped its web interface to port 9000 on the client’s server. The “-v” flag mounted the Docker socket to the container, allowing Portainer to interact with Docker.

Once the container was up and running, I accessed the Portainer web interface in my browser and configured it to connect to the client’s Docker environment. From there, the client was able to easily manage their containers using the Portainer GUI, without the need for complex command-line tools or scripts.

Overall, the project was a success, and the client was very happy with the results. By providing a user-friendly GUI for their Docker containers, we were able to simplify their workflow and improve their productivity.


Clients Quote
Charles Wynn
Charles Wynn@CharlesWynn
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It was pain in the ass before managing all the docker hosts speratly trough the putty, did a great job on making them visuall and adding them to one place.
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